
InaNutshell:TheBZ07isanexceptionalmachine,combininganold-schooldesignphilosophyandaestheticwithjustenoughadvancedelectronics ...,ThemodelsfromBZ07toBZ16presentinsteadaheatexchangerthatallowstomanageboththefrothingandbeveragedispensingfunctionsatthesametime.,I'vefoundthatmyespressoisconsistentlyoff.Typicallybitter(ashy).It'sbeenbitterandsour,andforthatI'vebledmyhxlessandithasimproved.,TheBZ07ha...

Bezzera BZ07 Review

In a Nutshell: The BZ07 is an exceptional machine, combining an old-school design philosophy and aesthetic with just enough advanced electronics ...

The Difference Between the Bezzera Bz07, Bz09, Bz10, Bz13 and ...

The models from BZ07 to BZ16 present instead a heat exchanger that allows to manage both the frothing and beverage dispensing functions at the same time.

Challenged getting good espresso from Bezzera BZ07

I've found that my espresso is consistently off. Typically bitter (ashy). It's been bitter and sour, and for that I've bled my hx less and it has improved.

Bezzera BZ07 in 2023 - Buying Advice - Home

The BZ07 has a heated grouphead which allows it to heat up fast and hold temperature stability. That's good for espresso extraction.

Help me decide! Expobar Brewtus IV or Bezzera BZ07

It was a hard choice. The BZ07 is a couple hundred less. Most people I talked to say the volumetric buttons aren't all that helpful. I would ...

Bezzera BZ07 DE PID Semi

The BZ07 is a powerful little machine at only 10 inches wide. As we mentioned, many users report increased clarity of flavor in espresso as compared to that ...

Review: Espresso Makers

Dan Kehn 供應中 · WIRED As idiot-proof as a true artisanal machine can get. Abundant dry steam makes it equally appealing to latte lovers and espresso purists.


Todd from reviews and compares the Bezzera BZ07 and BZ10 espresso machines. Tour each machine's features and get a good ...

Review: Bezzera BZ07 Espresso Machine

Marc and Morgan from review the Bezzera BZ07 DE Automatic with PID and Double Manometer. This 10 inch wide espresso ...